Sunday, July 28, 2013

Grow Up

I love reality television. It's sort of sad.   My name is Laura, and I'm a reality TV addict.  You know why I love it so much?  Sometimes it's nice to watch someone else's life that's a bigger mess than your own life.  I love to talk to my friends while it's on and ooh and aah over their ridiculous clothes (seriously, that one girl was wearing the sheets from the bed!!), the things they fight about that are so silly, and the absolutely terrible decisions that they make.  You know what though?  I'm so glad no one is watching my life, making fun of my clothes, my frustrations, and my decisions.  I have been known to make bad decisions sometimes.  The one thing that I've learned though from reality television is generally, the issues we dwell on the most are the ones that really aren't worth it.  There are people out there that are mean, rude, and petty, and they are capable of ruining your day.  I know this far too well because lately I've run into a few people who, for whatever reason, are just not nice people.  There will always be people who judge, and who want to hurt your feelings.  Want to know what I've learned about them? There is no reason to try to get through to them.  Sure, I have been tempted to punch them in the face, but I am sure that the reason they are so mean is that they are unhappy with their own life.  Why do they choose who to point their aggression at?  Probably because they are insecure, and something about you makes that feeling intensified.  Some may say that you should take it as a compliment.  I can't quite get to that point.  When people are mean to me, I tend to want to turn into a hermit and shut the world out. I don't think- gee, that person thinks I'm pretty cool so they're being a big jerk, but I'm working on it.  I'd prefer people be nice, but to those who are insecure, and feel the need to be mean, here's my advice.  Suck it up.  You will never grow by taking your fears out on others. This is advice I have to take too on days when I am frustrated and don't want to take the blame. I am dealing with some of the hardest stuff that I've ever dealt with right now.  I hate it.  I hate feeling vulnerable, but I am growing through this.  This past week I've had to learn that there are times when people suck, but it doesn't have to control us.

Now, for your viewing pleasure, meet my friend Clay, and see who he's based on!

This little owl was made by my mom, and I love him!

This really sexy man is Clay Matthews.  While I have yet to meet him, at least I have my silly Clay owl to make me giggle :)